Marina Bahia Golfito Marine Law Reform finally approved!

In summary, the Reform extends the term which allows foreign mega yachts to dock in Costa Rica and carry out lucrative activities related to water transport, recreation, and tourism, within the waters of the national territory including the charter service, with the due approval of governmental authorities and a contract with a tourist marina. According to the Costa Rican Tourism Institute (ICT), this Reform also encourages the hiring of national captains and sailors to carry out these practices.


"This legal reform introduces new characteristics for marina concessionaires and for foreign boats that dock in their spaces, thereby facilitating and strengthening the dynamics of nautical tourism in Costa Rica, a segment that attracts visitors with high purchasing capabilities, having an enormous impact on the employment generation in the coastal communities of the country ", said President Alvarado during the activity.


Under a temporary import regime, foreign boats may remain in the country for a determined period including items such as jet skis, fishing rods, surfboards, inflatable boats with outboard motors and others, intended for carrying out recreational activities and water sports.


"The reform to the Law of Marinas and Berths, together with the skill of the country's tourism sector and the world-class marinas of the Pacific coast, make Costa Rica the new ideal destination for luxury yacht charter. We are opening a whole world of options to tourists of another category. It is a scenario where everyone is favored: the tourist, the coastal communities, and the country as well ", explained Jeff Duchesneau, General Manager of Marina Pez Vela and President of Costa Rican Marinas Association.


Duchesneau noted this is precisely the kind of innovative decision-making that a country must undertake in a post-pandemic world. Marina Bahía Golfito, Los Sueños, Pez Vela, Banana Bay, and Papagayo marinas, together add 800 berths and serve hundreds of national and foreign boats per month. These marinas generate a significant number of indirect jobs, associated with ship services and tourism trade. In addition, they financially support the activities and needs of the communities and their municipalities.
